Project 2: The Finishing the Chess Program

For this project, you are to complete the chess program from lab 8. Get all of the types of pieces working, plus at least one of the extra credit features (en passant or castling).

You may continue to work with your partner(s) from lab, or you may complete the work from lab on your own. If you work with a partner, it is important that you make sure that you understand all of the code that you turn in--whether written by you or a partner.


Feel free to do both en passant and castling.

My hunch is that trying to think about testing for check (or mate) is a bit over our heads at this point.


Take a few minutes to think about the work you have done, and write a paragraph or two that summarizes what you have learned in this project. What problems did you have? What turned out to be easy? What do you still wish you could find a better way to do?

Include a sentence or paragraph that explains which of the extras you completed.

(You are encouraged to discuss this with your partner, especially to jog your memory about the first day in lab. But do your own write-up.)

If you find it convenient, you can do your write-up using xemacs; if you do, xemacs will be more helpful if you end the filename with ".txt". You can use a2ps to print it out; the result is not as pretty as something from a word processor, but it is adequate for these purposes. (One useful xemacs trick: If you are in a paragraph of text, you can hit ESC-q (the 'Esc' key, then the 'q' key) to "fill" the paragraph--breaking the lines in reasonable places.)

To turn in

Hand in a printed copy of your write-up (to me or in my mailbox).

To turn in your code, be sure that you are in the directory where your files are, then do the command

/cslab/class/csci235/bin/handin project2 *.java

DUE: Monday, Nov. 8, 5:00 pm

Cary Gray
Last modified: Mon Nov 1 08:53:34 CDT 2010