Lab 6: Completing your game

The goal of this lab is to practice extending an object-oriented system. You will pick up where you left off last week in the adventure game project.

There are five heads under which today's changes will fall: the rooms/game, the commands/parser, the items, and the inventory. These are all interconnected, and accordingly some parts of the following specification are duplicates.

Your goal is to have all of this working in 150 minutes. Get to it.

Your game should require finding some particular item and taking it to the exit. You may introduce traps, and you may also introduce characters (items that move around randomly or on a pattern).

I'll try to give you a little more guidance on a story line. Your group will need to complete the working game by midnight on Wednesday, March 27. (That's a week and a half after spring break).

Last modified: Thu Mar 7 13:02:29 CST 2013