CSCI 494: Short Essays

Over the course of the semester, you will be required to write a number of brief (1–2 page) essays that collect your thoughts on the assigned subjects. The writing can be informal; in particular, when you are asked to write about yourself, you are free to use first-person pronouns. Note, though, that your writing should still be well-organized and reflect careful thought. You may cite any of the readings from the class list; give enough information to identify any other sources on which you draw, without worrying too much about form of citation.

For each essay, bring a printed copy to class to hand in; you may want to print a second copy to use during the class discussion.

For 2 Sep:
  1. What do you think of when you hear the word “profession” or “professional”?
  2. What does it mean to be liberally educated? (Along with that, where does your understanding of “liberal education” or “liberal arts” come from?)
For 9 Sep:
How has your experience in computing affected your faith?

(Please pay attention to the assigned topic: you are not being asked here to write about how your faith has influenced your study of computing.)