Schedule for CSCI 494 Social and Ethical Issues in Computing

Fall 2014

Sep 2Introduction; professions
write (before reading): What do you think of when you hear/read the word professional?
read: profession
suggested: [Lam88]
related: [Den01], [Mims14], [WSJ14a] [Hat88]
write: (a) What does it mean to be liberally educated? (b) What sources inform your understanding of liberal education or the liberal arts?
9Nature of technology
read: intellectual property
read: [1Mumford], [1Barbour], [Pos90], [Nis01]
suggested: [2Dertouzos], [2Newell]
write: How has your experience in computing affected your faith?
suggested after class: [Wei95], [Bor84a]
16What changes?
read: [AJGP93]
suggested: [6Hodges], [6Johnson] [AppendixA]
Technology and power
read: [Mor11], [Fal08], [Les06a]
suggested: [Web02]
also: Select an area for further exploration
read: [And01], [Bow10], [9Mentor], [9Spinello], [9Spafford]
30read: [Bar93], [Tou01], [Sta97]
suggested: [Les06b], [Man98]
also: Final topic question
leading: Daniel Davenport, Simon Swenson
Oct 7Privacy
read: [Rac75], [Zuc14], [Duh12], [Car10b], [Har10], [VDSV12]
suggested: See also [WSJ10]
leading: Chris Anderson, Kurt Andres
14Privacy (and government)
read: [DL08], [Sanger], [Purnell], [Sol11], [GM13], [GP13]
suggested: [NYTDebate], [Arnbak], [D+93], look at [Land10], [DL07], [Gar00]
leading: Sean Power, Conner Vick
21Fall break
read: [3Dorbolo], [4Vonnegut], [You11], [3Barlow]
suggested: [3Rheingold], [12Kellner], look at [Tur11]
leading: Daniel Gill, Nico Lasta
Nov 4Understanding
read: [Tal95a], [10Turkle], [Car08]
suggested: [2Roszak], [2Heim]
leading: Brandon Garcia, Emmanuel Pederson
read: [Tur50]
suggested: [Hal06]
18topic and readings TBD
25Where are we going?
read: [Joy00], [10Vonnegut], [Helprin], either [Forster] or [Everett]
also: Draft of your final paper
Dec 2Responsibilities
read: [Hoa81], [Tho84], [Wei86]
suggested: [Wei95]
9Loose ends, thoughts from your final papers
read: TBD
17read: [Buc99]
suggested: [Bas98]
write: Reflection on computing and learning
also: Hand in final paper