This is a non-exhaustive list of vocabulary you should know. In
particular, you should know the precise meanings and be able to find
the "Things in a Java program."
Recent additions are in green.
- algorithm
- program
- source code
- object code
- compiler
- Java virtual machine
- iteration
- concrete
- abstract
- method activation
- identifier
- reserved word
- operator
- literal
- delimiter
- comment
- qualified name
- variable
- local variable
- class variable
- instance variable
- constant
- declaration
- scope
- expression
- statement
- block
- value
- type
- type cast, promotion
- primitive type
- composite (or compound) type
- array
- class
- interface
- abstract class
- subtype
- supertype
- dynamic type (vs. static)
- subtype polymorphism
- method call (invocation)
- receiver
- static method call
- (static) method definition
- method signature
- overloading
- parameter
- formal parameter
- actual parameter
- return type
- instance
- instance variable
- (instance) method
- class invariant
- initialization
- assignment
- allocation
- instantiation
- variable declaration
- assignment
if (test) { stmts } else { stmts }
while (test) { body stmts }
do { body stmts } while (test);
for (init; test; next) {
body stmts }
return value
switch (integer expr) { cases }
try { statements }
catch (exception-class parameter-name) {
statements }
- primitive types
(also short
and long
(also float
- arrays
- with variable
- classes
Cary Gray
Last modified: Mon Mar 23 07:18:26 CDT 2015