CSCI 235 Lab 11: Linked Lists

This goal of this lab is to practice writing operations for linked lists, which you will continue in the next project.

1. Introduction

In this lab we revisit the problem of sorting, but this time we will be sorting linked lists instead of arrays. This lab bears some similarities to project 3, which you may want to glance at for review.

Sorting of arrays is often done in place (in situ, if you like Latin). Today, however, we will sort by creating a new list and filling it with elements removed from the old list.

Clone the repository with the files for this lab from the course directory.

$ hg clone /cslab/class/csci235/labs/lab11

The files and are what we have seen in class, with a few additions. You will be doing all of your work today in

The other files provide additional testing, but you will not modify them. provides a main method that does more extensive testing, and the file correct.out contains an example of what its output should (eventually) be. The other three source files implement sorting on linked lists; they will be explained below.

2. The IList class

Open in emacs and inspect it. There is one new feature from Java that it uses: you’ll see the statement

    throw new RuntimeException("method not implemented");

in several methods, such as removeFront(), that have not been implemented. Executing this statement causes (throws) a new exception, which carries the string along as a message about what happened.

The file already contains the methods isEmpty(), insertAtFront(), deleteFront() and printList() that we wrote in class, plus our incomplete effort on deleteAt(). In addition, the method elementAt() has been filled in; you should note that it is similar to what we had written for printList() and deleteAt(). (There is a copy of those methods at the end of these instructions.) The form here provides a model that can be adapted to other uses. The while loop tests for the end of the list; so we can put whatever should happen at the end after the loop. (In this case, the precondition has been violated; so we cause an exception.) The if inside the loop tests whether we have found the node we want and provides appropriate action (including, in this case, returning). The rest of the loop body is what we do for nodes we are skipping over.

Next look at deleteAt(). Finding the correct node is the same: counting does the job. But now we want to remove the node place. To do that, we need to change the link in the node before place. Depending on our test, there may be ways to stop one node early, but a more general solution is to introduce another variable that keeps track of the node before place. Try that, without worrying too much about deleteAt(0). There is already a call for deleteAt(2) in the test cases; so you should be able to see if your method works.

Now think about how to deal with deleting the node at position 0. Make it work, and add another test to main() to demonstrate it. After a successful test, commit your changes to the repository.

Now continue to fill other unimplemented methods, testing and committing after each works. Do these first:

If you have some extra time after you do the rest of the lab, you might come back to these, and any others that look interesting:

You can put whatever you need for testing into the main() method in

I have also provided to test more methods. Compile it (along with and run it. It catches the exceptions from the methods you might not have implemented yet. If you want to check your output, you can run

$ java IListTest >& test.out

to capture the output in the file test.out. You can compare that file with the correct, complete, output in correct.out with the command

$ tkdiff correct.out test.out &

You won’t have complete output until you do the remaining steps, but you can check things as far as you have done.

3. Insertion Sort

The rest of this lab will walk you through how to write the methods needed to make sorting work. is a driver program similar to the one from projects 3 and 4; you will not need to change ListSort, but you can look at it later when you have some time (though it contains some advanced stuff you don’t have to understand). and are classes that contain completed static sort methods for lists (the methods will be explained below), using the IList class.

Open in emacs and inspect it. Make sure you understand how it works before going on; it makes use of list operations you have not yet written. This is how insertion sort works: you have an unsorted pile and a sorted pile. In each step, you remove the next item in the unsorted pile and insert it in the correct place in the sorted pile. Read the method carefully and connect this description of the algorithm with the code.

The lists we will be sorting today contain only positive integers. To make your job a little easier, the sorting methods create the new pile (list) with the method newSortList() instead of the constructor. This starts it out already containing an element with the value zero, which means that you will be inserting (positive elements) after a node that already exists. When the sorted list is printed, it will therefore have an extra zero at the front; we’ll live with that for now.

Although the sort method is done for you, the method insertSorted() is not. You need that, along with the removeFront() that you should have already written.

Given an item, you need to find the right position for it, create a new node for it, and link it into the list. The trick is to keep track of the place in the list that the new items must come after. Also, one thing that will make this easier is the remember that the sorted list starts off with a zero item as its initial head. Since all the items you’ll be sorting will be at least 1, you will never have to insert an item before the head.

Compile and test. You can use the main() method in class IList to test particular method calls or sequences of calls. When you think you have it working, you can test the sort with

$ java ListSort ListInsertion

You can run it more than once; each time it starts with a new randomly generated sequence.

This would probably be a good time to commit your changes to the Mercurial repository.

4. Insert at the head

Those extra zeros at the beginning of your sorted lists are annoying and wimpy. So fix the IList class to get rid of them.

Important: Before you start on this, be sure that you have committed your changes, and copy to so that you can turn in both versions. You will continue to work on

Modify newSortList() so that it returns an empty list instead of one that has a zero, and update its comments. Then fix the insertSorted() method that you wrote so that it works when inserting into an empty list or before the head.


5. If you have time

If you have any time left, take a look at Selection sort works by taking the smallest item from the unsorted pile and putting it at the back of the sorted pile. This depends on two methods, insertAtBack() and removeSmallest().

insertAtBack() should not be too hard, because you have already written methods that do insertion; you just need to find the last node and insert after it.

You have been provided with an initial version of removeSmallest(): it calls the methods findSmallest() and deleteFirstOccurrence() to do the work. You need to fill on those two methods (if you haven’t already).

Once you have those done, you should be able to sort by selection with the command

$ java ListSort ListSelection

Commit that.

It works now, but the provided removeSmallest() makes two trips down the list, first to find the smallest, and then again to delete it. Rewrite this method so that it finds and removes the smallest in a single pass.

Commit again when you do that.

6. Turn in

Turn in your modified source files with

$ /cslab/class/csci235/bin/handin lab11 (names of java files)

If you worked on part 4, turn in along with

7. Copy your work

Be sure that you copy your work to your account, because you will want it for project 7. In fact, the first phase of project 7 will include completing whatever you did not get done in lab today.

Appendix: from


     * Get the value of the item at a specified position. 
     * @param position The position in the list. 
     * @return The value at position in the list. 
     * PRECONDITION: position >= 0 and position < length of this list 
    public int elementAt(int position) { 
        /* This is not the most compact way to write this, 
         * but this form can be adapted to other uses. 
        INode place = head;  // the node we are looking at 
        int i = 0;           // the position of place 
        while (place != null) { 
            if (i == position) { // is place the node we want? 
                return place.datum(); 
            // do something before going to the next node 
            place =; 
            i += 1; 
        // ran off the end 
        throw new RuntimeException("precondition violated"); 
     * Delete the item at a specified position. 
     * @param position The position in the list. 
     * PRECONDITION: position >= 0 and position < length of this list 
    public void deleteAt(int position) { 
        INode place = head;    // where we are in the list 
        int i = 0;             // count corresponding to place 
        INode previous = null; // the node before place 
                         // There is nothing before head, so null? 
        while (place != null) { 
            if (i == position) { 
                // place is the node to remove from the list; 
                // so splice out place -- for which we need to know 
                // the node before it 
            // move place forward 
            previous = place; 
            place =; 
            i += 1; 
        // reached only if position >= length of list 
        throw new RuntimeException("precondition violated"); 