Recommended Readings - Conversations on Liberal Education

These are readings suggested as pertinent to our discussions.

Essays and articles

From Mark Thorne, 11 Sep 09:
I just finished reading a wonderful book review of a book on how people have read and interpreted the death of Socrates over the centuries. At various points in the review and especially so at the end, the reviewer points out how the story of Socrates is both foundational to the liberal arts tradition (of thoughtful questioning and life self-reflection) and how it is illuminative of the modern world's interaction (or lack thereof) with the liberal arts tradition. The reviewers comments on this topic at the end of the review are among the best-worded thoughts on the subject I have read anywhere. I thought I would definitely share it with you.
From Cary Gray, 15 Sep 09:
Edsgar Dijkstra was one of the most prominent of the first generation of computer scientists, and also one of the more controversial. I just stumbled over this essay again, "The strengths of the academic enterprise".


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Last modified: Tue Sep 15 09:58:48 CDT 2009

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