Lab 7: Expanding the design
First off, nice job!
On Monday you completed a working version of the adventure game.
It appears to be designed so that you'll be able to make creative extensions.
Where to go from here.
First, there are some minor things that need to be cleaned up.
- Currently the user gets the same result whether they choose
to quit or find the treasure.
The "game over" message when they find the treasure should
at least indicate that they have won.
The quit option should rib the player a little for quitting.
- There should be a look command, or a description of the
room which is printed automatically when a room is entered, or both.
- The inventory needs to be tested.
Second, we're going to add the following features to the game:
- Keys and doors-- the user should have to acquire a key (or keys)
to open a door (or doors) to get into where the treasure is.
This will require interactions between objects (an unlock command, or at least a use command),
and it will require doors to change state (locked or unlocked).
- Food and health-- the user should have health points which decrease as he or she
moves around (or, possibly, when he or she runs into some hazard).
There should be food items which increase the player's health.
When health reaches zero, the game is over.
- Bombs-- the user will need to find a bomb, plant it in the right place,
and get out of the way.
Being in a room when the bomb explodes will result in a reduction of health points
and/or death; planting a bomb in the wrong place will result in an
obstructed passage; planting a bomb in the right place will result in an opened passage.
I am open to additional ideas or modifications to these.
Clear it with me first.
Before you get started--- You all have worked on
the same part of the system for some time.
Anyone who would prefer to work on another part of it should have a chance
to switch to another task.
More generally, you should plan these tasks and divide them among yourselves.
It may be reasonable to work in pairs.
Your project (to be assigned Friday) will be based on where the
system is at the end of lab today.
Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Tue Oct 9 16:59:41 CDT 2007