Subversion instructions for project 1

As soon as you tell me who your partner is, I will make a repository for you. It will be found in /cslab/class/cs335/[your names]/projrepos, where "your names" is your two first names, one word lower case, alphabetized by last name. For example, Jan Schreur and Dawson Toth's group is in the jandawson repository.

I will also start a blank project for you, which each partner should checkout.

svn checkout file:///cslab/class/cs335/XXXXX/projrepos/proj1

where XXXXX is your names. To use svn to track your project, use the following commands.

If you have made changes to a file that has also changed in the repository, svn will try to merge them, but need you to figure out how to resolve any conflicts. If there are conflicts in a file (say,, you will see four files as a result: is the restored file you last updated before doing your changes. In this case, we're assuming you had updated to revision 14, and then started making your changes. Meanwhile, there have been 4 more commits to the repository, and now the latest version is revision 18. That's contained in the file contains the file as you had it (with your changes) before you did this update. The file contains a merged version; in any case where a section of the files and differ, it will show both versions, annotated so you you know which is which.

What you must do before going on is resolve the conflicts---figure out what should be in light of the difference between your version and the repository version. Fix up and delete the other files.

Svn has many more features than I've described here. It wouldn't be a bad idea to peruse the svn manual.

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Mon Sep 17 11:07:00 CDT 2007