Lab1: Sorting

This lab has a variety of goals: To refresh your skills in programming generally, to introduce you to C (including the C compiler), to introduce the topic of sorting, and to start you thinking about how to measure and compare the performance of programs.

In this lab you will write two sorting algorithms and run an experiment to measure one aspect of their performance.

1. Set up

Make a directory for this lab and move into it.

mkdir lab1
cd lab1

As in most labs and projects, I am giving you some code base to work on. Copy the following files from the course directory for this lab.

cp /homes/tvandrun/Public/cs245/lab1/* .

This gives you five files:

Open sorts.c in emacs or gedit.

2. Selection sort

Implement selection sort in the function selectionSort(). As the algorithm progresses, keep track of comparisons in the variable compars.

Specifically, we're interested in the number of times we compare two data from the array-- that is, the number of times an expression like min > array[j] is evaluated. Expressions like i < n don't count because they don't compare items in the array.

Then compile the revised selection sort.

gcc -c sorts.c

Do you remember what that compilation command means? Working in C will mean that you'll get a whole new world of compilation errors in addition to the ones you are used to with Java. As me for help if any don't make sense.

When your file compiles without error, then compile and link the driver program.

gcc -c sDriver.c
gcc sDriver.o sorts.o arrayUtil.o -o sDriver

And test.

./sDriver selection

If it doesn't sort correctly, then debug. Also, make sure that you are testing for comparisons correctly. If you are not getting between 40 and 50 comparisons, then you're missing some.

3. Insertion sort

Now do the same with insertion sort. Comparisons will range from around 15 to about 40. If you're not getting in the high 30s some of the time, then you're missing some.

4. Experiment

Now we want to run an experiment to determine how these algorithms vary in terms of the comparisons they require. For this you will write a program that runs the experiment.

Open a new file, called something like experiment.c. Write opening documentation like what we have seen, giving your name and the occasion (lab 1).

In this experiment, we ask three questions:

We can easily address all three of these questions in the same experiment. Write a program with generates several (say, 5) arrays of the same size (say, 50 items). Then for each sorting algorithm, it sorts each array twice and displays the number of comparisons.

Use the methods from arrayUtil.h to help. randomArray() will generate an array of a given size with random integers between 0 and 100. Make sure that when you repeat the sort of an array that you sort the original, unsorted sequence, not the sorted version. To do this, I recommend you first generate a "master" array and then make copies of it using copyArray() and sort the copy.

Your program should generate readable output, something like

Array 1:
Insertion: 500 500
Selection: 550 550
Bubble 1: 625 625
Bubble 2: 550 550

Array 2:

What do you observe?

5. To turn in

In a typescript, display your sort implementations and experiment.

cat sorts.c
cat experiment.c

Then run your experiment to show the results.


Edit a file called results; write a paragraph, in which you describe the results you observe.

You do not need to print anything out. The TA will log into the lab account and read your files there. Make sure your names are found somewhere.

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Thu Aug 29 11:33:58 CDT 2013