Lab 12: Adaptor and Decorator

The goal of this lab is to practice using the Adaptor and Decorator patterns.

1. Initial setup

Copy the current version of the simulation code into your directory. This "current version" uses the strategy pattern for hunting, but the only supported strategy is the RandomStrategy (not the ones you made).

cp /homeemp/tvandrun/pub/245/lab12 .

2. Part I: Adaptor

A. Introduction

Evil Professor NenurdNav has prepared his own version of a predator-prey simulation for Lab 21 of his course CS 542. It is similar to ours conceptually, but all the code is different. It includes a class Snake, which has some interesting behavior:

You like this idea and want to plug this Snake class into our version of the simulation. However, it uses all different interfaces. You must use the adaptor pattern in order to make the Snake class work in our simulation.

B. Setup

Copy all the files from a directory where I've put the alien code. This includes and three interfaces that Snake depends on.

cp /homeemp/tvandrun/pub/542/lab21/* .

C. Writing Adaptors

Your task here, after you have looked over the files and gotten a basic feel for how they work, has four parts:

  1. The main part is to write an Adapter class for Snake. This class will have to be a subtype of Agent, but it is up to you whether it should be a subclass of Animal.
  2. Snake, however, depends on Island instead of AgentGrid and Organism instead of Agent You will need to write an Adaptor for AgentGrid.
  3. Similarly for Agent.
  4. Finally, you will need to adapt PreyArbitor for the PredatorDeterminer interface. This is trickier because PreyArbitor is used only for static purposes, whereas a Snake expects a PredatorDeterminer object.

D. Testing

To test your changes, you will need to make some modifications to and

3. Part II: Decorator

Next, add a new feature to the simulation: a disease which infects animals. A diseased animal will act the same way as it would otherwise except that

Implement this by writing a class DiseasedAnimal which is a decorator for the Animal abstract class. You will need to modify to test your changes. You will also (unfortunately) need to change PreyArbitor to deal with diseased animals.

4. Turn in

Turn in a hardcopy of the classes you wrote.

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Wed Apr 4 14:13:17 CDT 2007