Project: Phase 2

In this phase, you will make a "mock-up" of the user interface. It should show how the product will be used, even though it will not have the hymn-rendering capabilities. Think of this phase as a competition to propose the best user interface.

The user's model (application domain) is based on the two psalters found in the lab. The split-leaf "Scottish Psalmody" is the model for what the product is capable of: dynamic pairing of text and tune. The "Book of Psalms for Singing" is the model for what the rendering should look like.


Being "mock up" means that the window panel which will contain the rendered text/tune will not actually have the rendering. But it should contain some sort of acknowledgement of the user's actions.

Try to make the user interface able to be plugged into any backend (since we do not yet know whose phase 1 we will build on in phase 3).

Also, as part of this phase, you should do some useablilty tests. If you want to know how to do usability tests, read chapters 12 and 13 of Joel Spolsky, User Interface Design for Programmers (in fact, you might as well just read the whole book while you're at it).

This means:

I will set up subversion repositories for you. Details are forthcoming. We will also decide teams in class.

DUE: March 26.

Last modified: Tue Mar 2 16:44:48 CST 2010