Project 7: Translating from OJay to RecJay

The goal of this project is to reason about the semanics of object-oriented features of a language by translating from a language with object (OJay) to a language without (RecJay).

1. Setup

Copy and untar the framework for this project.

cp ~tvandrun/Public/cs365/proj7.tar .
tar xvf proj7.tar

You'll see that this contains many things. First, there are the directories recjay and jay. These consitute the RecJay interpreter.

absyn.sml, as usual, contains ML datatypes which model the abstract syntax trees. Make sure you can relate this to the OJay grammar.

Next, notice ojay2RecJay.sml. This is the file you will be modifying.

The file is an executable script (in Python) which takes an OJay file, executes the translater (in ML) to produce a RecJay file, and executes the RecJay interpreter (in Java) on the resulting file.

The files A.ojay, Plain.ojay, NullThis.ojay, and Factorial.ojay are sample input files, (but Factorial.ojay is the only interesting one.

2. The main idea

The file ojay2RecJay.sml is set up much like prettyPrint.sml for Jay (think back to Project 2). It contains a series of functions like printProg() and printStatement(), each of which returns a string. Its purpose is to take an OJay program as an abstract syntax tree and produce an equivalent RecJay program.

Much of it is written for you. The program A.ojay contains only code that is also valid Jay code, and ojay2RecJay.sml already handles it. (You can run ./ A.ojay out of the box).

What it doesn't handle is the translation of classes. That is your task.

3. Your task

Before doing any coding, you should first determine a translation strategy from OJay to RecJay. Take Factorial.ojay as an example. What you need to do is determine what needs to be produced for an equivalent RecJay program. How are classes translated? How are methods translated? How are invocations translated?

Once you have a strategy, there are six places in the code that you need to write or modify:

Take notice that almost every function takes tm, the type map (a string * string list, a mapping from identifiers to type names), as a parameter. The type map will need to change based on context to accomodate global variables, local variables, fields, and formal parameters.

Most of the functions you will need to modify or write also take fields, a list of the names of the fields of the class in which the method, statement, or expression is found. (If the statement or expression appears in the main method, then this list is empty.) printMeth() also takes clName, the name of the class that it appears in.

Included in ojay2RecJay.sml are a few functions that you might find useful (I used them in my implementation):

In addition, you are permitted to change anything in ojay2RecJay.sml to suit your solution better, but I don't expect that you would need to modify anything besides the places mentioned above.

Hint: The difficult part of translating classes is that in RecJay, records go before the main method but procedures go after. So, each class will need to be divided into two parts which will end up in different places in the resulting RecJay program. This can be accomplished by having printClazzes and printClazz each return a pair of strings rather than just a single string.

4. Practical considerations

Unfortunately, if something is wrong in the RecJay you produce (which, from my experience on this project, is very likely), you will not get an error message when you use However, will produce the .recjay, which you can inspect and also use to reun recjay.RecJay manually.

For example, say you have a sample program X.ojay. When you run X.ojay, you see SML running, but X.ojay doesn't run and you don't get an error message either. In that case, look at the file X.recjay and run

java recjay.RecJay X.recjay

Also, I will make and available at ~tvandrun/Public/cs365/util

5. Turn in

Copy your ojay2RecJay.sml to


where "xxxxxx" is [alisa|andrew|becca|cheney|daniel|drew|johncharles|kendall|turk]. I will grade your project by running it against a collection of test files.

DUE: Monday, March 26, 5:00 pm.

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Thu Mar 22 16:44:39 CDT 2012