Project 2: Calculator

The goal of this project is to review the basics of object-oriented programming and to give you an initial try at system design.

1. Introduction and setup

In this project you will make a program that emulates a 4-function calculator. This program will use a GUI; a window looking like a calculator will appear on the screen, and the user can manipulate it by clicking on the buttons.

I have made the "face" of the calculator already-- the GUI is given to you. You need to write the rest of the program, which will interact with the window.

After moving into your directory for this course, copy the given files for this project:

cp -r ~tvandrun/Public/cs245/proj2/calc .

You should get a folder calc the following files:      

Make a new project in Eclipse; make it from existing source, specifically from the folder containing the calc folder. If you're not confident in starting projects in Eclipse, ask for help.

2. The calculator face

Inspect the signatures in You will see that the only way you can use the window is to do one of two things:

Run SetUp to see what the calculator window looks like. Note that the buttons do not do anything out of the box. They will not do anything unless you attach action listeners to them.

3. Writing action listeners

You will have to write action listeners for the buttons. If you have never used the ActionListener interface (or other GUI components), you can read the relevant sections in the textbook (from chapter 17, particularly chapter 17.2), and look at the Java API. Here's a quick review/overview:

An action listener is an object that is "attached" to a GUI component-- for example, a button. Action listener classes implement the interface ActionListener in the package awt.event, which has the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae). For our purposes, you can ignore the parameter (but don't let that stop you from finding out how to use it, if you're curious). When the button is pressed by the user, the method actionPerformed() is invoked.

There are two basic strategies for using action listeners, and the choice between them is up to you (as we go on this semester, we'll discuss some of the trade-offs in a decision like this): Either you can write very busy actionPerformed() methods, which do a lot of the actual work of the calculator themselves; or you can write simple actionPerformed() methods which merely call another method in a central object.

So, if we suppose you have written a class PlusListener that implements ActionListener and handles the pressing of the plus button, you can attach an object to the button by

    face.addActionListener('+', new PlusListener());

Don't hesitate to ask for help if you would like a fuller explanation or some guidance.

4. Other requirements and helpful information

Make this program work just like a hand-held four-function calculator. You can find a decent example for reference here. Don't try to implement anything fancy; don't use Ubuntu's built-in calculator as a reference.

I've worked on PlainCalculatorFace so that it appears nicely on the machines in the lab. If you work on this project on your own computer, the window's size might not be right (it isn't right, for example, on my Macbook). You can either adjust it by mouse whenever you run the program, or you can play around with the variables WINDOW_Y_POSITION etc at the beginning of the class ConcreteCalculator. Repeat: This is the only reason you would have to modify the file Your code should be dependent only on the CalculatorFace interface.

Getting your calculator to work perfectly right is actually pretty hard to do. Even the best students rarely get full marks on the first try of this project. (Calculators will be a recurring theme in the projects of this course.)

Specifically, here are some expectations for your calculator:

Hint: Don't try to write this entire project at once. Start implementing the number buttons first, making numbers appear on the screen. Then implement the plus button. When that's working, start doing the other operator buttons.

Important: The "screen" on the calculator is only 15 characters wide. Java displays double numbers using more than 15 characters. Make sure that when you display results that you do not run off the end of the screen. You need to think about how to format your results. There are several ways to do this. One way is to use the DecimalFormat class; it's described in Absolute Java (check the index, pages differ with edition) or the Java API. You also can devise your own formating strategy using String manipulation.

Also, be sure your code is documented according to the specifications given in the style principles.

Finally, as has been mentioned in class, this is a point where many students realize they never understood what the static parts of a class were all about---which usually stems from having not yet mastered the concepts of class and instance. So if something is wrong and Eclipse suggests you make some variable static, don't do it. Something else is wrong; ask for help if need be. Specifically, any static variable must include in its documentation an explanation why that variable is static.

5. To turn in

Please turn in all the files you wrote or modified (ie, the files you didn't modify don't need to be turned in) to a turn-in directory. To turn in a specific file, do

cp (some file) /cslab.all/ubuntu/cs245/turnin/(your user id)/proj2

To turn every file in whatever directory you are currently in, do

cp * /cslab.all/ubuntu/cs245/turnin/(your user id)/proj2

DUE: 5:00 pm Wednesday, Feb 25, 2015, 5:00 pm. Note that this is also the duedate of Project 3.

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Thu Feb 12 15:01:25 CST 2015