Project 3: Implementing a List Map

This project has two main goals: To give you practice in implementing a linked-based structure and to illustrate the workings of a map (as an example of an abstract data type).

1. Introduction

You already have worked with linked lists in CSCI 235 (or the equivalent), and we have reviewed them briefly in class. However, most students require a bit more practice at the beginning of CSCI 245 in order to have this programming technique mastered.

We have recently introduced the idea of an abstract data type (ADT) in class. One of the most important things to understand is how an ADT's definition is independent of its implementation: any ADT can have many implementations with very different underlying implementation strategy. For the map ADT we have seen in class two two implementations: one using a HashMap from the Java API and one using two parallel ArrayLists. In this project you will implement a map using a linked list. Near the end of the semester we will see a more efficient implementation of a map using a technique called hashing.

Secondary goals of this project include gaining more familiarity with Eclipse and JUnit.

Keep in mind that this project is running in parallel with Project 2, and they are very different kinds of projects pursuing very different goals of this course. Project 2 requires you to design a set of classes and their interaction, and students' designs will vary considerably; moreover, you are responsible for your own testing. This project, on the other hand, will feel much more like a lab (except that project-quality documentation is required): this description will lead you through a well-defined series of steps, correct submissions to this project will all look very similar, and all the tests are provided for you. Successful students will spread their work on Project 2 over several days as they reflect on the requirements and try out several designs; this project can be done in one sitting.

2. Setup

The screencast demonstration for setting up a project in Eclipse uses this project as an example. Step-by-step instructions are given here as well.

Make a folder for this project and copy the starter code from the course directory:

cp -r ~tvandrun/Public/cs245/proj3/. .

Then open Eclipse and make a new project for this. When you make a new project, be sure that you uncheck the "Use default location" box and that the location you use is the proj 3 folder. Like this:

To make sure you have it right, when you hit the "next" button on the wizard, the next screen should look like this (note the single hmllm package, proj3 as the default output folder, no separate folders for "source" or "bin"):

You'll find three files in the hmllm package:

You may also decide to write your own driver for HomemadeLLMap to make testing more intuitive for you. You don't need to turn that file in if you do write one.

Open HMLLMTest. This is the JUnit test class, containing a sequence of tests for your project. You shouldn't modify this file, and in fact you can inspect it on only an as-needed basis when you need to figure out why tests fail. Run the test by a clicking on the green circle-triangle; Eclipse will determine to run this as a JUnit test. You will see the results of running the tests, something like this:

(The order of the tests may vary from one run to another.) You'll notice that one of the tests (emptyGet) passes out of the box (by luck), but the others all fail. As you work through the sections below, your project will pass more and more tests. You'll know you're done when you get the "green bar".

Now go back to "Package Explorer" and open HomemadeLLMap.

3. Your tasks

The main idea is to keep the information about the associations in nodes of a linked list. Each node will contain the information about one association (a key and a value). When a new association is "put" in the map, a new node is added to the list. When a key's value is updated, the appropriate node must also be modified. When an association is removed, the corresponding node must be snipped out of the list. Etc.

A. A node class

Since you're implementing this using a linked list, you'll need a node class. Write one. It can be pretty similar to the examples we've seen in class, except that it will have two "datum" instance variables. Write appropriate getter (accessor) and setter (mutator) methods. Hint: In my in-class examples, I usually do not make the datum instance variable to be mutable. In this case there will be no need to make the key mutable, but it will be convenient to make the value mutable.

Make sure this class is fully documented. Don't get lazy.

What instance variable or variables need to be added to HomemadeLLMap?

Unfortunately the existence of the node class by itself and instance variable(s) to HomemadeLLMap don't change the outward behavior of the HomemadeLLMap class, so don't bother running the tests yet.

B. The containsKey() method

Write this method for searching the list for a given key. Since you haven't implemented put() yet, at this point we can test this only on an empty list; rerun the tests (under the JUnit tab, click the icon with the green circle-triangle and little golden arrow) and make sure emptyContainsKey passes.

C. The put() method

Write the method for adding a new association to this map. There are two scenarios: Is this association for a new key not already present in the map (easier), or is this a new association for an old key, overwriting a previous's put value for this key (harder). When you write this, putContainsKey should pass. (Unfortunately this does not confirm total correctness of put(), since its effects on the map can't be observed until get() is also written.

D. Refactoring

Did you notice similarity is some of the code of containsKey() and put()? Both, if done right, include code for searching the list for a node with a given key. Pull this code out into a private helper method that takes a key and returns a node containing that key, or null if no such node exists. Rewrite containsKey() and put() to use this helper method. Rerun the tests: this won't make any new tests pass, but you must confirm that you didn't break anything that was working before.

E. The get() method

Now write the method for retrieving the value associated with a given key. In principle this should be very simple because it can use the helper method you made in the previous step. However, it's possible that mistakes you made in earlier steps will become visible now--for example, does put() work correctly in both scenarios described above? Rerun the tests: your goal is the pass emptyGet, putGet, and putRepalce in addition the previously passed tests.

F. The keyIterator() method

This step will be more challenging than the previous ones. This method must return an object, and instance of some class that implements the Iterator interface, that encapsulates the process of walking over the nodes in this list and gives access to the keys. So, you'll need to write such a class; the keyIterator() method merely will instantiate that class and return the instance.

You can use Eclipse to help you get started. Pretend the iterator class already exists and instantiate it. Of course Eclipse will flag that as an error, but if you click on the error thing on the left border of the editor tab, you'll see that one of Eclipse's suggestions is "Create class 'MapIterator'" (or whatever you called the class):

Selecting that suggestion will lead you to a wizard for making a new class and, eventually, the code for a class that implements Iterator and has method stubs already provided. Finish this class. (Hints: The remove() method can throw an UnsupportedOperationException. If you get stuck on this, the NodeIterator from the in-class examples is nearly identical to what you need to do here. But don't look there unless you are stuck. You need to think through this one yourself. Even if you do need to look at the NodeIterator code from class, take this time to make sure you understand it.)

Also, make sure your new class is properly documented.

The tests emptyIterator, populatedIterator, and replacedIterator will exercise what you did in this step. Make sure these (and the earlier tests) pass.

G. The remove() method

The last step also is challenging. Given a key, remove the association for that key. This is hard because it requires you to snip out a node. There are five scenarios to think about:

(Just because you have these five scenarios does not mean you will need to check for and have separate code for all five. Once you have mastered the problem you'll notice that elegant solutions can handle several of these seamlessly.)

When this is done correctly, your code should pass the last four tests (emptyRemove, populatedRemove, populatedRemoveSpurious, and removeIterator, as well as all the older tests.

H. I got the green bar, so that means I'm guaranteed to get full credit for this project, right?

No. You still could be docked for incomplete documentation or glaring inefficiencies. (This project description was written to steer you away from glaring inefficiencies, but still....)

4. To turn in

Copy the completed file plus the node class and iterator class you wrote to the turn-in folder for this project:

cp (some file) /cslab.all/ubuntu/cs245/turnin/(your user id)/proj3

DUE: 5:00 pm Wednesday, Feb 17, 2016. Note that this is the same due date as Project 2.

5. Grading

Grading for this project will follow this approximate point breakdown (the right to make minor adjustments in point distribution is reserved):

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Fri Feb 5 10:30:29 CST 2016