I'm giving a few different problems for the ML material covered
on Apr 5, approximately corresponding to Section 7.5.
Enter these in the automated grading system as "7.5.a
Use map
to write a function sumPairs
that takes a list of pairs and returns a list of the sum of those pairs.
For example, sumPairs([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)])
would return [3,7,11]
(This is like Exercise 2.2.14, which we did in class on Sept 6, but using
Use filter
to write a function keepLessThan
that takes an int
and a list of int
s and
returns a list like the one given but including only those int
that are less than the given one.
For example, keepLessThan(5, [3,7,2,9,8,1])
would return [3,2,1]
Use map
and filter
to write a function
that takes a list of int
and returns a list containing only the halves of the even elements
(so, odd elements are removed completely).
For example, halveEvens([8,14,17,6,9,11,4])
return [4,7,3, 2]
(This is like a problem from Test 1, but using map
and filter
For convenience, here are map and filter:
fun map(f, []) = [] | map(f, a::rest) = f(a)::map(f, rest); fun filter(f, []) = [] | filter(f, a::rest) = if f(a) then a::filter(f, rest) else filter(f, rest);
Also, you can find all the code from class here.