The goal of this project is to understand the "perfect hashing" strategy for optimizing hash tables when all the keys are known ahead of time. This project is analogous to the optimal BST project; in both cases we take advantage of knowing the keys of the map before anything else happens, and I anticipate students finding both projects to be among the hardest of the semester. Perfect hashing, however, does not involve dynamic programming.
The code base for this project is the same as in the linear-probing project.
In this project your work is in the class PerfectHashMap
You are essentially finishing two classes: not only
itself, but
also its member class SecondaryMap
The methods for the map operations (put, get, containsKey, and remove)
are implemented already.
Originally I had planned on leaving that for you, but I then decided that
those would only take up time and not be much of a challenge.
So, read those methods to make sure you get how the primary table
and secondary tables interact.
What is left for you is the
the interesting part: the constructors
for the two classes and the iterator.
The constructor for PerfectHashMap
method for this.
Of course make that number positive using & 0x7fffffff
I also recommend forcing them into a smaller range by mod'ing them
by some arbitrarily chosen upper bound, but make sure that all
the values are unique.
(I mod'd them by 100 actually; all the keys in the testcases give you a unique
value for (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % 100
the keys that will end up in that secondary map---which requires you to
calculate which keys will end up in which map.
The constructor of SecondaryMap
generating new hash functions until you find one that has no
collisions for the keys (in addition to initializing the instance variables).
The test for this class is PHMapTest
After writing those constructors (ie, before writing the iterator),
all the test cases that don't have the word iterator in their
name should pass.
The iterator is an interesting problem since it requires you to iterate
through an array of (secondar) hashtables.
In my own solution, I wrote an iterator for SecondaryMap
and make the iterator for PerfectHashMap
be an "iterator of iterators", that is, an iterator over the current
secondary table is part of the state of the iterator of the primary table.
But, as is noted in a comment, it isn't required that
has an iterator at all.
You may choose to write your iterator a different way.
But don't simply save the big list of all keys given to the constructor
and iterate through that.
The iterator of PerfectHashMap
should return just
those keys currently associated with something in the map, not
necessarily all possible keys.
Copy the file you modified (PerfectHashMap
to your turn-in folder /cslab/class/cs345/(your id)/perfecthash
To keep up with the course, this should be finished by April 25.