Excercise for the Language Processor example

For the material covered today (based on Sections 2.6 and 6.3), I'm assigning one problem that is based on "Project 2.B" on pag 91 in the book, but adapted to how the example was modified for class. Enter this into the automated grading system as "6.3.x".

6.3.x. Following the pattern for makeInterrogative, write a function makeImperative and appropriate helper functions that transforms and prints the sentence into the imperative mood. The verb should be in an appropriate place, and the subject should be vocative (basically, replace the article with "O"). For example, the sentence "the big dog quickly chased a red ball through the bright field" would be transformed into "chase a red ball quickly through the bright field, o big dog!".

A few details to note:

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Mon Dec 4 10:49:30 CST 2017