In-class activity 8: Support vector machines, part 2

There is no starter code this time. You'll be doing everything from scratch. Start a Jupyter notebook with

jupyter notebook --ip= &

Your task is

Make every effort to do something new and interesting.

As you go along, document what you do---including (to a certain extent) things you try but don't work---in the Jupyter notebook, because you will be turning this in as a summary of what you did in this activity. Include verbiage as you go along explaining what your data set it, what quesiton you're asking, rationale for how you clean it up, etc. At the end write a paragraph or so about how well your classifier does and what conclusions you draw from that.

Make sure you save save your notebook at the end---Jupyter does do some autosaving, but not continually (as, for example, Google Docs and Sheets does). Give your notebook at name something like


That is, put both of your names in the title. Then copy it into one of your turn-in folders.

The most important documentation for today is the API for sklearn's SVM classes, but here are links to the other libraries, as needed:

Numpy home and reference

SciPy home and reference

Matplotlib home and API

Pandas home and API

Scikit-learn home and API

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Mon Feb 11 11:06:29 CST 2019