(* --- list functions --- *) (* examples from the text *) fun repeatEach([]) = [] | repeatEach(a::rest) = a::a::repeatEach(rest); fun sum([]) = 0 | sum(a::rest) = a + sum(rest); fun switchPair([]) = [] | switchPair((a,b)::rest) = (b, a)::switchPair(rest); (* 2.2.4 -- in class*) fun count([]) = 0 | count(a::rest) = 1 + count(rest); (* 2.2.5 -- in class *) fun findIth([], i) = (print("item not found"); ~1) | findIth(a::rest, 0) =a | findIth(a::rest, i) = findIth(rest, i-1); (* 2.2.6 -- in class *) fun reverse([]) =[] | reverse(a::rest) = reverse(rest)@[a]; (* Ex 2.2.10 -- in class *) fun listify([]) =[] | listify(a::rest) = [a]::listify(rest); (* Ex 2.2.12 -- in class *) fun splitList([]) = ([], []) | splitList((a,b)::rest) = let val (aRest, bRest) = splitList(rest) in (a::aRest, b::bRest) end; (* sample use of splitlist: *) splitList([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]); (* results in ([1,3,5],[2,4,6]) *) (* problems below marked "homework" assigned 1/29, due 1/31 *) (* Ex 2.2.13 -- homework *) fun tuplify([], []) = [] | tuplify(a::rest, []) = ?? | tuplify([], b::rest) = ?? | tuplify(a::aRest, b::bRest) = ?? (* Ex 2.2.14 -- in class *) fun sumPairs([]) = ?? | sumPairs((a,b)::rest) = ?? (* Ex 2.2.15 -- homework *) fun sumPairList([]) = (0, 0) | sumPairList((a,b)::rest) = let val (c, d) = sumPairList(rest) in ?? end; (* Extra hint on sumPairList: use splitList (above) as a pattern to follow. Sample use of sumPairList: *) sumPairList([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)]); (* Result should be (9, 12), that is, (1+3+5, 2+4+6) *)