Practice: Implementing ADTs

In addition to the project assigned for this course, I will be posting exercises for your personal practice. Many of these will be examples from class (or the book) with the "interesting" parts removed for you to reconstruct. It's up to you how much you make use of these. Just take them as, "These are things you should be able to do. If you want to test your understanding, here they are."

They are set up the same way as projects.

This set of practice problems comes from the in-class examples that go along with ADTs and data structures (Jan 25-Feb 1). Get the starter code from ~tvandrun/Public/cs345/adt-review-practice-given. As with all practice problems, I am also making the solution available, which is pretty much the code from class. Find that at ~tvandrun/Public/cs345/adt-review-practice-soln.

Here are a list of classes and which methods have been removed for them. (By "removed" I mean there is a stub for those methods.) Keep in mind that in some cases the hard methods have been removed, but in other cases the removed methods are trivial. Part of the exercise is for you to figure out which ones are hard and which are simple.

Thomas VanDrunen
Last modified: Wed Jan 29 10:14:14 CST 2020