A E G H I S W 


act() - Method in interface Agent
Inform the agent that it is time to act for this cycle.
Agent - Interface in <Unnamed>
Agent.java Interface to represent an agent in the biological simulation.


enterGrid(SimulationGrid<Agent>, int, int) - Method in interface Agent
Inform the agent that it has been placed on the grid.


getAgentAt(int, int) - Method in class SimulationGrid
Find the agent, if any, at a position.
getColor() - Method in interface Agent
Return a color appropriate for displaying this agent's icon in color displays.
getIcon() - Method in interface Agent
Get a character representation of this agent.


height() - Method in class SimulationGrid
Find the height of this grid.


isOccupied(int, int) - Method in class SimulationGrid
Determine if a position is occupied by an agent.
isOpen(int, int) - Method in class SimulationGrid
Determine if a position is open to be occupied by an agent.


setAgentAt(int, int, Agent) - Method in class SimulationGrid
Set the agent at a given position.
SimulationGrid - Class in <Unnamed>
SimulationGrid.java Class to represent a grid in a biological simulation, the "model" in terms of M/C/V.


weight() - Method in interface Agent
Report on the weight of this agent.
width() - Method in class SimulationGrid
Find the width of this grid.