Schedule for CSCI 235 Programming I: Problem Solving

Fall 2014

Last update: 4 Dec

Aug 27Introduction to computing, algorithms
28Lab 0: Intro to the lab
29More algorithms
Sep 1Labor Day
31.1, 1.3Programming fundamentals
Java programs; strings
4Lab 1: First Java programs
51.2, 1.4, 2.1Types, variables, expressions, statementsstart Project 1 (due Sep 15)
82.2, 3.1, 3.2The Boolean type; more strings
103.3, 3.4More control structures
11Lab 2: More strings
126.1, 6.2Finish control structures; start arraysstart Project 2 (due Sep 23)
156.3Arrays; switch statementProject 1 due
176.4More arrays, multidimensional arrays
18(pre-lab)Lab 3: Arrays
Library methods
22Lab 4: First methodsProject 2 due (Sep 23)
24sortingMore with methods; sortingstart Project 3 (due Oct 3)
25Lab 5: Methods
269.1Methods; catching exceptions
Oct 1More recursion; classes as modulesstart Project 4 (due Oct 14)
2Lab 6: Recursion
sample exam
Project 3 due
84.1Object-Oriented Fundamentals
Classes as types
9(pre-lab)Lab 7: First classes
104.2, 4.3-4, 5.1-4Classes, methods, encapsulationstart Project 5 (due Oct 22)
138.1, 13.1Interfaces, subtype polymorphismProject 4 due (Oct 14)
15Interaction of objects
16Lab 8: Subtyping
17More interaction examplesstart Project 6 (due Oct 31)
20Fall break
22SimulationProject 5 due
23Lab 9: Simulation
2415.1Linked structures
linked lists
27Lists, again
30Lab 10: Linked listsstart Project 7 (due Nov 17)
31Other linked structuresProject 6 due
Nov 3Review
sample exam
6Lab 11: Trees
714.1, 16.1-2
5e/pp. 277-279
4e/pp. 271-273
Applied Topics
Collections API
10Lab 12: Using collections
1216.3More collections; iterators
File I/O classes
File I/O overview
start Project 8 (due Dec 10)
13Lab 13: More collections
14GUI classes
17.1-2, 17.4-5
GUI and events
17Lab 14: GUI event handlingProject 7 due
1917.3More GUI, layouts
20Lab 15: More GUI
24Lab 16: Graphics
Dec 1Files and I/O, handling exceptions
4Lab 17: File I/O, Exceptions
59.2-3Defining exceptions
8Review example
10ReviewProject 8 due
11Lab 18: Putting it all together
10:30am-12:30pm, Wed 17 MayFinal exam