Computer Science 243

Discrete mathematics and Functional Programming
Fall 2011
Thomas VanDrunen

Meeting time: MWF 2:00-3:05 pm.
Meeting place: Science 131

Office hours: MThF 3:15-5:00 pm; Th 9:15-11:00 am.
Contact: 163 Science; 752-5692;
Follow @TVD_CSCI243


ML programming guide

Starting with the assignment due Sept 1, please turn in all ML code by email to Non-ML homework should still be turned in on paper.

Final exam: Thursday, Dec 15, 8:00 am

Color code:
Green: Read carefully before class. This is background material. I will not cover it in class.
Magenta: Read before class. After briefly reviewing and highlighting the content, we will spent most of class working on problems from this section.
Cyan: Skim before class. Usually this will be for hard material that I do not expect you to get on a first read. Familiarize yourself with it before class; I will then lecture on it
Moon's dayWoden' s dayFrigga's day

Aug 22


Aug 24

Set. Sets and elements. 1.(1-3)

Pg 10: 1.3.(1-9 odds; 11-16 all)
Read 1.(4 & 5)
Read 1.6

Aug 26

Set operations; visual verification; introduction to ML. 1.(4-6)

Pg 14: 1.4.(1-6, 19) (for mon);
pg 18: 1.5.(8-11) (for mon);
pg 24: 1.6.(1-5) (for wed)
Read 1.(7-9)

Aug 29

More ML; cardinality and Cartesian products 1.(7-9)

Pg 27: 1.7.2;
pg 30: 1.8.(1, 4, 5);
pg 34: 1.9.(3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16)
Read 1.(10-12)

Aug 31

Making things in ML 1.(10-13)

Pg 38: 1.10.(1-4);
pg 46: 1.11.(4, 6, 8, 10);
Read 2.1
Read 2.2

Sept 2

List. Lists. 2.(1 & 2)

Pg 49: 1.12.(3, 5);
pg 66: 2.1.(2-4, 7);
pg 70: 2.2.(2, 3, 8, 9)
Read 2.3
Read 2.4

Sept 5


Sept 7

More lists; powersets. 2.(3 & 4)
Code from class

Pg 70: 2.2.(10, 12, 14);
pg 78: 2.4.(8-12, 14, 15)
Read 2.6

Sept 9

A language processor. 2.(5 & 6)
Code from class

Pg 88: 2.B
Read 3.(1 & 2)
Read 3.3 & 4

Sept 12

Proposition. Forms, boolean values, logical equivalence. 3.(1-4)

Pg 99: 3.3.(5 & 6)
pg 103: 3.4.(2, 4, 8-12)
Read 3.(5-7)

Sept 14

Conditionals. 3.(5-7)
Code from class

Pg 107: 3.5.(1 & 2);
pg 113: 3.7.(1 & 2, 6-8, 11 & 12)
Read 3.(8 & 9)

Sept 16

Arguments. 3.(8 & 9)

Pg 117: 3.8.(3, 5);
pg 120: 3.9.(3-7)
Read 3.(10 & 11)
Read 3.(12 & 13)

Sept 19

Predicates and quantification. 3.(10-13)
Code from class

Pg 131: 3.12.(1 & 2, 6-8)
pg 133: 3.13.(3 & 4)
Read 3.14

Sept 21

Quantification and arguments. 3.14

Pg 137: 4.14.(6-9)

Sept 23


Sept 26


Sept 28

Proof. Introduction and subset proofs. 4.(1 & 2)

Pg 156: 4.2.(2-7)
Read 4.(3&4)

Sept 30

Set equality and set emptiness proofs. 4.(3 & 4)

Pg 158: 4.3.(3, 14, 15, 18)
pg 159: 4.4.(5 & 6)
Read 4.(5-8)

Oct 3

Conditional proofs. 4.(5-8)

Pg 161: 4.5.(1, 4, 5)
pg 162: 4.6.(2, 5)
pg 163: 4.7.(1, 6)
Review 2.4, especially Ex. 2.4.15
Read 4.9

Oct 5

Powersets. 4.9

Pg 172: 4.9.(1, 3, 4, 6)
Read 4.(10 & 11)

Oct 7

From theorems to algorithms; solving games. 4.(10 & 11)
Code from class

Pg 175: 4.10.(3, 4, 6)
Read 5.1
Read 5.(2 & 3)

Oct 10

Relation. Introduction. 5.(1-3)

Pg 201: 5.3.(5, 6, 8, 10-14)
Read 5.4

Oct 12

Properties. 5.4

Pg 204: 5.4(3-5, 22, 24, 26)
Read 5.5

Oct 13

Equivalence relations. 5.5

Pg 208: 5.5.(3, 5, 7, 8)
Read 5.(6 & 7)

Oct 17


Oct 19

Transitive closure. 5.(6 & 7)

Pg 213: 5.6.(1 & 3);
pg 219: 5.7.(3, 5)
Read 5.(8 & 9)

Oct 21

Partial orders. 5.(8 & 9)

Pg 222: 5.8.(1-5);
pg 226: 5.9.(1, 7)

Oct 24


Oct 26


Oct 28

Self Reference. Recursive types. 6.(1-3)
Code from class

Pg 256: 6.2.(6-8; 14-17)
Read 6.4

Oct 31

Structural induction. 6.4

Pg 263: 6.4.(3, 4, 6, 7)
Read 6.(5&6)

Nov 2

Mathematical induction. 6.(5 & 6)

Pg 267: 6.5.(2 & 4);
pg 272: 6.6.(2 & 3)
Read 6.9
Read 6.10

Nov 4

Loop invariants. 6.(9-10)

Nov 7

More loop invariants. 6.(10-11)

Pg 300: 6.10.(2-5)
Read 6.12

Nov 9

Huffman encoding. 6.12
Code from class

Pg 310: 6.(A-D)
Read 7 intro and 7.1
Read 7.2
Read 7.3

Nov 11

Function. Introduction. 7.(1-3)

Pg 325: 7.2.(2 & 3)
pg 329: 7.3.(3, 4, 8)
Read 7.4
Read 7.5

Nov 14

Images and inverse images. 7.(4 & 5)

Pg 336: 7.4.(2, 5, 8, 9, 10)
Read 6.(6-8)

Nov 16

Properties; inverse functions; composition. 7.(6-8)
Code from class

Pg 338: 7.5.(4, 5);
pg 340: 7.6.(2, 5);
pg 345: 7.8.(1, 5, 6, 7)
Read 7.9

Nov 18

Cardinality. 7.9

Pg 353: 7.9.(1 & 2)

Nov 21

Special topics

Oct 23


Oct 25


Nov 28

No-credit quiz.

Nov 30




Dec 5

(Work on project)

Dec 7

(Work on project)

Dec 9
